Student events
Year 2019
Symposium of students and masters of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology "Ilarion V. Felea", May 14-15, with the theme: "Requirements of the pastoral care and mission of the Church in rural parishes"

Year 2018
Symposium of students and masters of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology "Ilarion V. Felea", May 14-16, with the theme: "The contribution of the Romanian Orthodox Church to the creation of unity of nation and faith"

Editura Universității „Aurel Vlaicu”, Arad
Apare cu binecuvântarea ÎPS Dr. Timotei Seviciu - Arhiepiscop al Aradului
Coordonatori: Pr. Lect. Univ. Dr. Filip Albu, Protos. Lect. Univ. Dr. Nicolae M. Tang, Arhid. Asist. Univ. Dr. Tiberiu Ardelean
Anul apariției: 2019
ISBN: 978-973-752-810-0

Year 2017
Symposium of students and masters of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology "Ilarion V. Felea", May 8-9, with the theme: Theology of the icon in the current media context. Models of Romanian Orthodox theologians from the second half of the century. XX

Editura Universității „Aurel Vlaicu”, Arad
Apare cu binecuvântarea ÎPS Dr. Timotei Seviciu - Arhiepiscop al Aradului
Coordonatori: Pr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Cristinel Ioja, Arhid. Asist. Univ. Drd. Tiberiu Ardelean
Anul apariției: 2018
ISBN: 978-973-752-777-6